at The Cole Porter Estate


Cole Porter, the renowned American composer and songwriter whose music captivated audiences with its sophistication and wit, gained fame for his timeless classics such as “Night and Day” and “I Get a Kick Out of You.” Although he was commonly associated with the glamorous and bustling worlds of Broadway and Hollywood, Porter found solace and inspiration in the picturesque town of Williamstown, Massachusetts. Known for its scenic beauty and vibrant arts scene, Williamstown offered Porter a retreat from the hectic pace of his career. It was here that he sought tranquility, composing some of his most beloved melodies amid the serene landscapes and charming atmosphere of this New England gem. The town’s peaceful ambiance and cultural richness left an indelible mark on Porter’s work, ensuring his legacy as one of the greatest composers in American musical history.

Fast forward to the present day, as the Williamstown Theater Festival sets the stage for a truly captivating experience by staging a modern-day, immersive, site-specific performance of Cole Porter’s iconic musical, Anything Goes!, at the Cole Porter Estate in Williamstown. The WTF brings together design and musical talents to transform the estate into a theatrical wonderland. Audiences are transported back in time to the glitz and glamour of the 1930s, as they navigate the sprawling estate and its various locations, fully immersed in the world of Porter’s music and lyrics. This unique production pays homage to the rich history of both Cole Porter and the Williamstown community, creating a theatrical event that is as enchanting as it is unforgettable.

With each performance meticulously designed to engage and immerse the spectators, the combination of Porter’s lyrical genius and the magical ambiance of the estate would create an unforgettable event, celebrating the legacy of one of America’s greatest musical talents in the very place that inspired some of his greatest works.

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About Margo Neely


Margo Neely is a polymath whose interdisciplinary work has been celebrated for its innovation and bold creative vision. With a background in art, philosophy, and technology, she is best known and as the multi-hyphenate creator of the award winning television series Ladies Revenge Club (“Best of the Fest” and “Best Short” winner at New York Comic Con/New York Super Week), the creator of the “Rosie Unriveted: We Can’t Do It Anymore!” campaign, and the visionary behind the Neely Air mi adidas custom concept — the megaviral drum machine shoe seen and loved by over 6 billion people worldwide.

Margo’s creative-technological innovations have earned her a reputation as a pioneer in the world of digital art, and she is frequently invited by media outlets around the globe to share her insights and expertise. Her work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of art and technology, and she remains committed to using her talents to explore new frontiers while inspiring others to do the same.

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