Renowned American playwright Tennessee Williams had a significant relationship with the Williamstown Theatre Festival. Throughout his career, Williams maintained a close connection to the festival and its vibrant theater community. He often attended productions and workshops, finding inspiration and camaraderie among fellow artists. The Williamstown Theatre Festival, known for its commitment to nurturing new talent and staging classic works, provided a fertile ground for Williams to showcase his plays and receive valuable feedback. The festival’s dedication to artistic excellence and its supportive environment fostered a creative synergy that greatly influenced Williams’ work, making his association with the Williamstown Theatre Festival an integral part of his theatrical legacy.
Prepare to be enveloped in the intoxicating world of Tennessee Williams’ autobiographical Vieux Carré like never before with an innovative immersive theatrical staging at the Airport Rooms in North Adams, MA. This innovative staging transports the audience to the gritty and vibrant atmosphere of a 1930s New Orleans’ French Quarter boarding house. As the play unfolds, the audience becomes an integral part of the narrative, wandering through the the dilapidated rooms and observing the characters in an intimate setting. The fusion of site-specific staging, stunning visuals, and powerful performances creates an unforgettable theatrical experience, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Vieux Carré at the Airport Rooms redefines the possibilities of immersive theater, leaving the audience spellbound and emotionally transported long after the final curtain call.
About Margo Neely

Margo Neely is a polymath whose interdisciplinary work has been celebrated for its innovation and bold creative vision. With a background in art, philosophy, and technology, she is best known and as the multi-hyphenate creator of the award winning television series Ladies Revenge Club (“Best of the Fest” and “Best Short” winner at New York Comic Con/New York Super Week), the creator of the “Rosie Unriveted: We Can’t Do It Anymore!” campaign, and the visionary behind the Neely Air mi adidas custom concept — the megaviral drum machine shoe seen and loved by over 6 billion people worldwide.
Margo’s creative-technological innovations have earned her a reputation as a pioneer in the world of digital art, and she is frequently invited by media outlets around the globe to share her insights and expertise. Her work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of art and technology, and she remains committed to using her talents to explore new frontiers while inspiring others to do the same.
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