Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? explores the deteriorating marriage of George and Martha, married middle-aged academics living in small town New England. The play explores themes of truth, illusion, power dynamics, and the breakdown of communication in relationships. The story unfolds during an evening of heavy drinking as George and Martha invite a young couple, Nick and Honey, over to their house after a faculty party. Throughout the night, George and Martha engage in a series of verbal and psychological games, revealing their deep-seated resentments and emotional struggles. The boundaries between reality and illusion blur as secrets are exposed and relationships unravel, ultimately leading to a devastating climax that forces all characters to confront their inner demons and the harsh realities of their lives.
In a groundbreaking and captivating interpretation of Edward Albee’s masterpiece, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, set on the campus of Williams College in Williamstown, MA, the play unfolds within the walls of an actual house, with the audience assuming the role of witnesses to the tumultuous events. This production ingeniously converts a private residence on campus into the dwelling of George and Martha, inviting the audience to personally experience the play’s searing intensity. By traversing through various rooms and bearing witness to the characters’ unfiltered emotions up close, the boundaries between observer and participant become indistinct. This immersive approach elevates the play’s exploration of concealed truths and the erosion of relationships, fostering a profound sense of connection between the audience and the unfolding drama.The unique setting of Williams College, nestled in the picturesque Berkshires, provides a captivating backdrop that adds depth to the play’s themes of privilege, academia, and the facade of perfection.
About Margo Neely

Margo Neely is a polymath whose interdisciplinary work has been celebrated for its innovation and bold creative vision. With a background in art, philosophy, and technology, she is best known and as the multi-hyphenate creator of the award winning television series Ladies Revenge Club (“Best of the Fest” and “Best Short” winner at New York Comic Con/New York Super Week), the creator of the “Rosie Unriveted: We Can’t Do It Anymore!” campaign, and the visionary behind the Neely Air mi adidas custom concept — the megaviral drum machine shoe seen and loved by over 6 billion people worldwide.
Margo’s creative-technological innovations have earned her a reputation as a pioneer in the world of digital art, and she is frequently invited by media outlets around the globe to share her insights and expertise. Her work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of art and technology, and she remains committed to using her talents to explore new frontiers while inspiring others to do the same.
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