Margo Neely lands in Mixdown’s Top Ten of 2017

Chief Creative Officer Margo Neely’s Neely Air customs are named one of Mixdown’s “Top Ten Unconventional Products of 2017”

Australia’s Mixdown Magazine has named Margo Neely and her creative innovation for Neely & Daughters one of the “Top Ten Unconventional Products of 2017.”

Margo Neely, Chief Creative Officer at Neely & Daughters and creator of the Neely Air custom concept sneaker, sought to independently pay homage to the legendary Roland TR-808 drum machine and the pioneers of Hip Hop —with a 21st century twist. An influencer and innovator pioneering the crossover and amalgamation of creative and branding in the fashion, music, tech, and lifestyle spaces, Neely’s drum machine concept shoes represent the future of both wearables and effective marketing.

Reaching a global online readership of 6.4 billion people and over 10.9 million coverage views and climbing, The Neely Air Mi Adidas TR-808 custom concept* has the entire world stepping to the beat. The work (originally published in 2012) was independently “discovered” online in 2017 —  and rabid fans and journalists fanned the flames of a worldwide fire in both mainstream and social media. The still-growing viral phenomenon has garnered full-page stories, video tributes, and fandom in nearly 350 major print and digital publications on every continent across the globe. (Check out a small sample of press, organized by region, after the jump.) The innovative beat making shoes captured the imagination of the press and fans alike, disturbing the peace with an additional estimated engagement of 54 million across all social media channels.

Mixdown on the Neely Air Custom Concept Sneakers:

The sneakers themselves contain beatmaking circuitry, and are equipped with a volume control and six different pre-programmed settings. Much to our disappointment, these sneakers are only a prototype and no further development plans have been announced, but we remain hopeful.

Mix­down Mag­a­zine is Australia’s only National Street Press Music Publication. Dis­trib­ut­ing over 32,000 copies free to 1750+ points Aus­tralia wide, Mix­down cov­ers all forms of music and music products. It has become the go-to publication for musi­cians, pro­duc­ers and fans alike, known for features and break­ing news on the newest bands, musi­cal equip­ment, albums and inside music indus­try info. Every month, Mix­down cov­ers the biggest names in the busi­ness and through long leads has the oppor­tu­nity to break some of the coolest indies yet unknown to the Aus­tralian airwaves. For more on Margo Neely’s work and the complete Top Ten of 2017, head on over to the official Mixdown Magazine site.

global audience metrics

Online Readership
Coverage Views
Est. Social Media

north america

latin america


united kingdom • australia • africa

middle east and asia

* The Neely Air mi adidas | Roland TR-808 custom concept was not solicited by and is not endorsed by Roland Corporation or adidas. It is purely an artistic concept.


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