Body of Work
Margo Neely’s “Body of Work” is an interactive autobiographical video installation that immerses the viewer in a deeply personal, spiritual journey. The piece, comprised of nearly 1500 original short films and writings created by the artist herself between 2018 and 2023, is largely inspired by The Thunder, Perfect Mind — the mystical epic poem discovered among the gnostic manuscripts at Nag Hammadi, narrated by a female divine revealer.
The installation is the manifestation of Neely’s spiritual calling (received in 1995) — a deep exploration of the connection between her soul, her earthly mission, and the divine. Neely’s art reflects her belief that the divine feminine exists beyond us and within all of us and is the source of creative power and wisdom. “Body of Work” is the culmination of her years of research, meditation, and creative exploration.
The viewer enters a dark space, where they are invited to engage with the installation, designed to be an interactive experience.
Neely appears as a sort of HAL 9000-mosiac version of herself, encouraging the viewer to explore his or her connection to both the unknowable person before them and the expression of the divine feminine.
The installation’s centerpiece is a video screen that displays over one thousand of Neely’s short films. Each film is a reflection on a particular aspect of her life, from childhood to adulthood, from love to loss, and from joy to pain. The films are accompanied by Neely’s writings, which provide a window into her life and emotions, and her relationship with both God and humanity.
The films are not presented in linear order, but rather as a non-linear interactive montage of images and ideas, inviting the viewer to establish a relationship to the person onscreen and create their own narrative and interpretation of the artist and her work. “Body of Work” encourages an introspective audience or to engage with his/her own relationship to feminine expression, examine his/her own perception of identity and purpose, and embrace the wisdom and creative power of the divine feminine.
Body of Work

About Margo Neely

Margo Neely is a polymath whose interdisciplinary work has been celebrated for its innovation and bold creative vision. With a background in art, philosophy, and technology, she is best known and as the multi-hyphenate creator of the award winning television series Ladies Revenge Club (“Best of the Fest” and “Best Short” winner at New York Comic Con/New York Super Week), the creator of the “Rosie Unriveted: We Can’t Do It Anymore!” campaign, and the visionary behind the Neely Air mi adidas custom concept — the megaviral drum machine shoe seen and loved by over 6 billion people worldwide.
Margo’s creative-technological innovations have earned her a reputation as a pioneer in the world of digital art, and she is frequently invited by media outlets around the globe to share her insights and expertise. Her work continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of art and technology, and she remains committed to using her talents to explore new frontiers while inspiring others to do the same.
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