Neely Air
original content
for the
21st century
for the
21st century
Founded in 2007, Neely Air (now a division of Neely & Daughters) is a media production, design, and innovation studio specializing in the creation of original concepts, multi-platform digital content, and streaming broadcast quality media. We create next level work for clients and consumers that soars above and beyond ordinary brand engagement and redefines the traditional entertainment experience. Neely Air excels at supplementing traditional media with creative, interactive materials that enhance the “world” of the project, product, or brand. We’ve pioneered new media formats, content, and crossover concepts that harness the possibilities of media, technology, and audience engagement. The result? Catastrophic success for us and the brands and clients we partner with. We are the go-to creative incubator, studio, and think tank where visionary innovations gain real-world traction.
Led by Chief Creative Officer Margo Neely, Neely Air is best known for producing the international comic-con favorite and award winning television series Ladies Revenge Club (“Best of the Fest” and “Best Short” winner at New York Comic Con/New York Super Week), the “Rosie Unriveted: We Can’t Do It Anymore” campaign, and the Neely Air mi adidas TR-808 custom concept*: the megaviral drum machine shoe seen and loved by over 6 billion people worldwide. Our creative vision, guided by intuition, experience, and an acute understanding of human desire, has cemented us as bellwether forecasters, cultural futurists, and influencers. With clients and fans worldwide, we are setting the global pace for what revolutionary content, creative, and experience looks like. This is original content for the 21st century — and beyond. When you fly Neely Air, buckle up and brace for impact.
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